14th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon, 1572

Many suns have past now since Shurin’s return. Many events unwritten yet, little time to sit alone and think, gather my mind and place it upon this page. Always better to start at the beginning.

Things quickly became more fluid when he moved in. The boys took to him, seem happier to have him around. Things around the house became easier; the cleaning and cooking and caring. I found myself watching a lot, from the door or the window, as our lives were suspended in a state of perfection… I etched the memories in to my mind for times of bitter darkness to come, of the battlefields fast approaching.
I’ve taken to playing the harp, though I am not so good at it yet. I will not play for Shurin, in fact I do not think he even knows I bought one. I wonder if I can write him a song, so far the only things I can strum out are old lullabies I remember as a girl.

Suns past, a flier caught my attention. Some kind of gathering on the beaches of Aleport. I wanted to smell the sea, break from the confines of our mountain home. So, Shurin left to hunt Imperials, and I took Falke to the beach.
I did not realize the turn out would be of many I knew, or recognized. Galvadan, Oskar, Eva, some from the Watch, some I knew in passing… some names I forgot. Some friends of Shurins that became my own. Lyriah, who was kind and concerned, always offering a hand. Aysun, who was sweet and shy and put fussy Falke to sleep so easily, even though he had not eaten.
There was also that man, from many moons ago. The one from Ul’dah, who threatened me. Did he notice me? I know not, but I made sure to keep my distance, and was careful not to be followed.

The sun, the salt air, all of it was quite relaxing. My child resting on my chest, the two of us under the sky surrounded by rippling water. Not a care in the world. Peace will be something my mind locks away… I do not get many of these moments.

Galvadan apologized, made amends. In truth, I do not know what to think of him. I do not know what to think of many.
The Watch had their meeting, I’ve little to say on it other than I’ve decided it will be too much of a burden on my life, the way it is now. I will not be rejoining them.

I am looking forward to the suns to come. Shurin will be checking on the ship, suggested we take a break from the house and the boys. One eve could not harm them. As well, an event for that new shell, the one run by that curious man…
I will be sure to write more down, if I have the time.

14th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon, 1572